
Why join the VCCC?

2003meeting22The club is like a big family you make long lasting friendships with people who have the same interest….vacuum cleaners. Link to Membership Application *Please note a payment via Check or PayPal is required to become a member along with the Membership Application.

Greetings fellow vac enthusiasts! It’s that time of year, time to renew your membership in the finest vacuum collector club on the planet.  The cost remains at $25.00 for the entire year.  If you plan on attending the convention you will definitely want to renew your membership in order to be able to attend. We would like to receive your payment by the end of February. You can pay using Paypal using the link below or by mail.  If you want to use mail, send your check to our treasure, Kenneth Loveland. His address is: 8640 East 29th Street, Tulsa, OK 74129. We look forward to seeing you again in 2024!

Pay for Membership

Pay via PayPal: 

Click here to pay $25 via PayPal for club membership dues

Mail a check:

Please make checks payable to the Vacuum Cleaner Collector’s Club

Kenneth Loveland
VCCC Treasurer
8640 East 29th Street
Tulsa, OK 74129